Facebook birthday - it is known to all users that on their birthday, Facebook will notify everyone on their friend list. Some users may decide to keep theirs private, hence the need to know How to stop Publicizing Your birthday on Facebook
Of all social media sites, Facebook seems to be the one with the most exposure, as regards users’ information, by default. Thankfully, privacy options to limit this exposure is provisioned. You just have to access your account privacy settings, carry out some tweaks here and there, to decide which information other users have access to.
One of such information users may want to keep from others could be their birthday. Granted, it is nice, to say the least, to get birthday wishes from friends and loved ones on your birthday. In the same way, it would be rude to not reply to all those well wishes. It gets tricky if those well wishes were sent by say a hundred friends via private chat and you’d have to reply to them, one by one.
To avoid this situation, one may opt to prevent their friends from getting notifications for their birthday at all. Close friends will always remember your birthday, and will always send you well wishes. The average person has say 20 close friends at most, and replying to 20 well wishes shouldn’t be a problem at all for most people.
How to Prevent Facebook from Notifying Your Friends of Your Birthday
If you wish to go ahead and prevent all your friends from getting notifications on your birthday, follow the steps presented below.
On Facebook App
1. On your Facebook app, tap on the avatar icon at the top(Android) or bottom(iOS) to access your profile.
2. Scroll down and tap “Edit profile“.
3. Scroll down to the “Basic Info” section and tap “edit“.
4. Tap on the drop-down arrow beside “Birthday” and set to “Only Me“.
5. Set the “Birthyear” option to “Only Me” as well.
On Facebook Website
1. Once logged onto Facebook via the Facebook website, visit your Timeline and click “About“.
2. Select “Contact and Basic Info” in the left pane.
3. Choose “Only Me” option for “Birthday” and “Birth Year“.
Doing this will remove your birth information from your profile and also ensure none of your friends get notifications on your birthday, about your birthday.