How to Upload Videos on Facebook – How to Upload HD Videos on FB | Facebook Videos

What the steps on How to upload videos on Facebook?  This Facebook video platform is one of the mediums used in sharing and also discovering new stuff on Facebook. People use this wonderful platform frequently and it has been proven to be a good service. Uploading videos on Facebook has developed over the years. The ways in which you upload videos on the platform are now greatly improved. There are various steps in which you can easily upload videos on the Facebook platform.
Upload Videos on Facebook 

How to Upload Videos on Facebook

Videos can be uploaded on the Facebook platform in different ways. For instance, a video can be uploaded on the Facebook platform in the form of a story or just normal videos. The steps on How to upload videos on Facebook are very easy also. You can use your computer or your mobile device to upload any videos you want to upload. After downloading or filming the videos on your phone or PC, you can then upload the video on your Facebook account.

How to Upload Videos on Facebook using Computer

These steps are very easy if you follow them carefully all you just need to do is;
  • Go to your homepage/profile, click on add photo/video in your share box at the top of your Facebook page.
  • Choose upload photos/videos, then you will be taken to your computer hard drive enabling you to pick the most preferred video.
  • If you have done that, you will be directed back to Facebook. Where your video will be attached to your post and you can also tag anybody you want to tag on the post.
  • And if you also want to say anything about the video. You are given the opportunity to type in what they want to say in the video.
  • After you have done that then you look very carefully then you will see the post. Click on it and it immediately post the videos and your friends begin to watch them and start liking them.

How to Upload Videos on Facebook With Your Mobile Device

How to upload videos on Facebook using your mobile device all you just need to do is;
  • Click on the photo/video option, on the share box of your page, then you click on the video icon
  • You will have to choose the video you want to upload from your mobile device and it directs you back to your share box. And when it directs you to your share box users have the right to write anything they want to write on the post. You can also tag people and add feeling and activity.
  • Then you click on post at the right corner of your screen.
Note; if you have posted a video and you want to edit it because you feel you want to add something to your post like tagging more of your friends, all you need to do is;
  • You will just have to click on the down arrow at the top right corner of the post
  • Then you click on edit video, you can now edit your video to your satisfaction. Once you are done you can now click on the save icon.
If you should follow all this step on how to upload videos on Facebook carefully then you get the video of your choice uploaded.

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