How to Make Facebook Event Public

How to Make Facebook Event Public: Facebook has several amazing features that makes the platform top of the list when you talk about social media platforms. Among those features, we will talk about Facebook events today.

Over the years, event has been organized and reminders sent to proposed participants when the event is near, but with the enhancement of Facebook features, you can now create an event on your Facebook account and add users so as to keep them readily updated about the event as they get notifications of the event.
Important Read: How to easily Create a Facebook Account
Setting up an event can be a herculean especially when you have to invite and welcome a lot of people and reminding them of the event is another cumbersome task.
So instead of the daily, weekly, or monthly reminder about your event, you can establish an auto reminder and repeat notification for your events, to do this easily on Facebook, you'll be required to create a preliminary event, to do this, from your Facebook homepage, click on the three horizontal lines to the top right of your page and locate the Events.
Then tap the “Create Event” button and fill in the information fields the details of your event. As soon as the event is created, you can enable the repeat event function so as to send constant reminder to users.
To do this, simply click the settings icon near the top-right hand corner of the event area and choose create repeat event.
Note: Repeat events will produce only a copy of the event at a time and does nothing like imitating recurring events.
I hope this article on How To Make Facebook Event Public from was helpful 

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