How To Tell Who Blocked You On Facebook
First of all, we need to inform you that been BLOCKED and been UNFRIENDED arectwo separate things. If someone unfriends you, they've simply taken you off of their friends' list, you can still access their profile and view their comments in posts shared by a friend you have in common (mutual). However, if somebody blocks you, they are certain to disappear totally even trying to search for them on Facebook will prove abortive and you won't be able to see them even in your post history as they have efficiently disappeared from you on Facebook. Moreover, do not assume you have been blocked simply because someone has disappeared from your friend's list.
Try out the following techniques to discover if someone has actually blocked you on Facebook
SEARCH FOR THEM: Start your quest by attempting to search for the friend in question. If his or her profile doesn't turn up when you look for them, there's a possibility you've been blocked although this is not a certainty. To grasp a clearer view of the answer, attempt the search from someone else's account or when you log out totally. The result here will eliminate any doubt as regards the situation of things.
First of all, we need to inform you that been BLOCKED and been UNFRIENDED arectwo separate things. If someone unfriends you, they've simply taken you off of their friends' list, you can still access their profile and view their comments in posts shared by a friend you have in common (mutual). However, if somebody blocks you, they are certain to disappear totally even trying to search for them on Facebook will prove abortive and you won't be able to see them even in your post history as they have efficiently disappeared from you on Facebook. Moreover, do not assume you have been blocked simply because someone has disappeared from your friend's list.
Try out the following techniques to discover if someone has actually blocked you on Facebook
SEARCH FOR THEM: Start your quest by attempting to search for the friend in question. If his or her profile doesn't turn up when you look for them, there's a possibility you've been blocked although this is not a certainty. To grasp a clearer view of the answer, attempt the search from someone else's account or when you log out totally. The result here will eliminate any doubt as regards the situation of things.
Also Read: How to Unblock Facebook users
CHECK THEIR ACTIVITIES: As stated earlier, you might have actually been unfriended, if that's the case you'll still have the ability to see the previous activity of the pal in question on your wall. If they have ever posted anything to your wall or ever made a remark on any of your posts, their posts and comments will be seen on your page. However, if you've been blocked, all you'll see is a question mark instead of their name and profile picture.
LOOK AT YOUR COMMON FRIENDS' LISTS: If you have any friend in common with this individual, you can visit that person's page and take a look at their list of friends. If you are certain you are mutual friends, you should see the name of the participant under his friends list but if you don't, then they might have blocked you. Likewise, it is possible that you were mistaken and the 2 of them aren't Facebook friends in the first place.
LAST RESORT: you might actually resort to sending them a message if you want to be rigid. If they respond, that shows they got your message and have not blocked you but if they do not, then they may have blocked you, preventing them from getting the message. There's the possibility of them ignoring you though.
You can try out all these points and if they all show you have been blocked, then there's no doubt, you've been blocked!