When you block someone they will no longer be able to do things such as tag you or see things you post on your Timeline. If you're friends, blocking will also unfriend them.
ON YOUR FACEBOOK APPLICATION:To view your blocked list on your mobile application, there are two ways:
Action 1
- On your Facebook app, tap on the menu button (☰)
- Tap on "Account Settings' (for iPhone users tap on "Settings")
- Tap on "Blocking"
- Tap on the menu button (☰)
- Tap on "Privacy shortcuts"
- Scroll down and tap on "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
- On the drop down menu, tap on "Blocked users"ON YOUR BROWSER:
- Click in the top right of any Facebook page
- Click "Privacy Shortcuts"
- Click "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"
- Click "View All Blocked Users".
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